Sunday 1 July 2012

Judging A Book By Its Cover (but with movies)

Th movie industry has really gone into overdrive with sequels and reboots. I decided to take a look at some of this low hanging fruit movie executives have decided to send our way. I guess this is like a preemptive mini review based on the trailers and any leaked information I have garnered from vague Google searches. Just remember these opinions are subject to change.

The Amazing Spider-Man
So the first reboot coming our way is The Amazing Spider-Man. I am unconvinced by the storyline and  I think The Lizard looks a bit strange, no snout and no lab coat. This Garfield character doesn't seem nerdy enough for me. Too pretty and wavy, stylish hair is not very Peter Parker, but we'll see. However, I know I will enjoy at least one aspect of the movie. Emma Stone. She can do no wrong and looks awesome as a blonde.

Potential Favourite Line: With Great Power, Comes Great Responsability (If this is not in the movie, in some misguided attempt to be original, I will find everyone involved in this movie and shout mean things at their children/grandparents)

Potential Worst Line: Oh no, I've just been bitten by a radioactive spider and now am getting super powers!

The Bourne Legacy
Originally under the title "Guy who is not as handsome as Matt Damon, killing people in cool ways" this sequel/reboot is a mystery to me. The Threadstone cover up is interesting but unnecessary. It really feels like they are flogging a dead horse. With the introduction of genetic engineering to the plot, I think it's over the top. Also since the original novels/movies were based on me, I am a little upset they would just write me out. 

Potential Favourite Line: I sure wish Jason Bourne/David Webb was here. He'd know what to do.

Potential Worst Line: You've had alterations to two different chromosomes, it's the most exciting development in the history of the science. (Wait, actual line. Oh dear)

Monsters University
I cannot wait for this. A prequel to the best animated movie there is, and I wont hear any arguments to the contrary because Monsters Inc is perfect in so many ways. I laugh, I shout "look out Sully, Randall is behind you!!" and invariably dissolve into tears when Sully says goodbye to Boo (keep it together). Seeing Sully and Mike become best friends, learn to scare, and fulfill the college clichés will be awesome. Steve Buscemi is also back as Randall, so this cannot fail! Unfortunately it won't be here until next summer, but Monsters Inc rerelease is exciting enough.

Potential Favourite Line: Everything

Potential Worst Line: Nothing

The Dark Knight Rises
There are no words to convey my excitement. I can barely breathe. As if Anne Hathaway in the Cat Suit wasn't excitement enough, there is also Tom Hardy as the "Man Who Broke The Bat", except with an English accent for some reason. Marion Cotillard is playing Miranda Tate, but may secretly be Talia Al Ghul, but this has been strongly denied, but I hope it's true. I am counting the seconds until July 20th!

Potential Favourite Line: Death would only end your agony and silence your shame!

Potential Worst Line: Wherever a party needs to be saved, I'm there. Wherever there are masks, wherever there's tomfoolery and joy, I'm there. But sometimes I'm not cause I'm out in the night, staying vigilant. Watching. Lurking. Running. Jumping. Hurtling. Sleeping. No, I can't sleep. You sleep. I'm awake. I don't sleep. I don't blink. Am I bird? No. I'm a bat. I am Batman. Or am I? Yes, I am Batman. (Just as it might undermine the tone of the film is all)

Sadly all these movies will pale in comparison to one movie, which stands tall above all else, in heart, depth and reach. Many will criticise it but they will merely not fully understand the beauty that will be on show. I am speaking, of course, about the One Direction 3D Concert Movie. It may not be released until November 2013, but the world is holding it's breath in sweet anticipation. 


UPDATE: I have now seen "The Amazing Spider-Man" and they don't say With Great Power, Comes Great Responsibility. While the emotional scenes were heavy handed and laugh inducing, the action scenes were incredible! 4/10 from me as a good hero movie, is more than just action sequences