Friday 8 June 2012

The Hazards Of Being A Bus Wanker.....

On moving to the supposedly warmer climes of Switzerland (it has rained 7 of 10 days here), I looked forward to no longer being Bus Wanker all summer. The thoughts of a sophisticated Metro System or even commuter train were oddly alluring. Alas it is not so and I get the bus to work. It would seem I will forever be a bus wanker. However, the buses here are far superior to the Irish service. This is not about timetables, routes or displays but the people on these buses. The whole experience is just nicer and I think I know why. It's because two particular things are missing......

School Acquaintances
Not school friends, these are people who merely existed near you for 5/6 years. If you’re lucky you will see them first. From a distance at first but as they approach an ever increasing feeling on doom begins to weigh on you. The Blackness is closing in and so are they. You have not seen him in nearly three years and for the most part that has been intentional. But now you scramble hoping to somehow avoid the inevitable. You start reading the Metro on the bus because your iPod died and if you don’t look like you’re otherwise engaged that weird, smelly kid you went to school with might try talk to you and it is too early for you to sit, listen and nod politely as they detail every tiny insignificant facet of their depressing life, from the child he and his Gorgon like girlfriend are expecting after knowing each other six minutes, or how he is doing his sixth Fás course because bee-keeping didn’t really work out, or how his brother is getting on great in Australia which you find particularly aggravating because you have not even met this brother and you know that if you did see him it would most likely be on a Saturday night outside 21s spitting in a bouncers face , but I don’t want to be too specific.
This is a difficult situation with no clear resolution. Also it becomes worse if you see someone you do want to talk to but they ignore you. Are you one of the smelly, weird kids? Odds are yes, yes you are. So if this painful realisation should ever dawn on you please, please leave us alone. We merely want to ride the bus in peace and get through this depressing experience without you making us feel worse.

Loud People
There is always one person. What ever happened to proper bus etiquette? It is now all too common place for people to play their music not through headphones, or to carry on a phone conversation as loudly as possible. There is one incident I will never forget. A girl sat at least half the length of the bus from me was screaming down the phone about how “He is a player! That’s what you get. I said don’t mess with ‘im”. To help you picture this she was Nigerian me thinks. A thick accent that only added to the absurdity of the conversation. “I don’t need this in my life right now. I don’t need this drama in my life right now”. This was repeated and was funny at first. I was almost interested in this girl’s life and problems. This interest quickly turned to petulance and I am ashamed to say I was not above over the shoulder glances and snorts of derision. But bus etiquette goddammit! This is not the place for you to air you grievances and definitely not at a volume akin to a shuttle launch. “Drama, drama, drama, drama, drama, drama!” she shouted at one point, which admittedly had me burst into laughter. Laughter which garnered daggers from this half-wit, who was clearly revelling in her drama.The bus is a place for hushed tones and personal music. The worst part is there is no established manner in which to tell people to shut up! See: Maeve Higgins Bus Sketch below

I trust this settles the matter and when I return in September these problems will never again trouble me. I have seen the future, Irish bus users, and it is peaceful.

Former Hula Hoops Spokesman 

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