Sunday 22 April 2012

You're Not Making The Compelling Case You Think You Are

This post is a long time coming. I've been stewing over this point for a long time. I'm referring to something that happened during the campaign to find the GOP candidate in America earlier this year. Glitter Bombing is a new technique taken on by a Gay Rights Activist Group called the Glitteratti. I will preface this blog by saying: I think the gays are a great bunch of lads but this does not help them.

The Glitterati is a fucking retarded name. If you want to be seen as a serious activist group don't let the guy dressed as Lady Gaga (in the Bad Romance Video is how I'm imaging him but any outfit will do) pick your name. It sounds like something from a bad, pun based sitcom. It is truly awful and forces you down from the moral high ground.

If you wish to be taken seriously as a group of people with something serious to say, don't be a stereotype. The protester may as well have slapped Romney, called him a "Stupid Betch" and run away with his scarf draped elegantly over his shoulder. Campaigning for equal rights, gay marriage and an end to homophobia only work if you don't stop for a Glitter Fight half way thorugh!

Glitter is not conducive to political change. Not even that but Romney and Santorum promptly continued their speeches; nothing actually happened. If you're going to throw shit, make it heavy. Throwing heavy things is never taken lightly (PUN!!).

Well rant complete and no one cared but I feel better for it!

Mustard Enthusiast

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