Saturday 5 May 2012

Dear Dublin. You're Doing it Wrong.

I know the Irish are famed for a charming illogicality; its endearing and quirky. But every now and then I come across examples of this which truly make me despair for the continuance of our race. Our government have made a right balls of our financial system (so I'm told, I am not well informed enough about his to start making compelling arguments) (I know, I know, I am a disgrace, but it's just too depressing), but its the little things, the day-to-day oddities, that really irk me (see my issues with bureaucracy). Today its the new fangled machines standing abreast every bus stop.

Here is an example of the offending technology. In theory, when I first heard of the contraptions, they supposedly monitor the bus and give the information of when exactly it should arrive at your stop. Sounds like a fantastic, useful idea, to save many the weary commuter the anxiety of "Have-I-Have-I-Not" missed the bus syndrome. However, this is not what they do. Instead they give the time the bus is SUPPOSED to arrive at its stop. It does not factor in delays. It gives information ALREADY PROVIDED ON THE ESTABLISHED BUS STOP. It is a technological timetable, not a time keeper. All it saves us from is the effort of manually working out what time the bus is scheduled to arrive. As every Dublin bus traveler knows this is next to useless, as Dublin Buses appearing on scheduled time is an apparition on par with  Jesus' second coming; I'll believe it when I see it.


As the picture suggests, it was raining. My new umbrella had broken in the wind. I very much wanted to go home. I took my frustration out on this, typically Irish, institution and its useless, useless, technologies. I feel this rant was more than justified.



  1. You're actually wrong here. They do factor in delays, and they give Real-Time information as to when the bus is going to arrive. I admit, there is quite a few flaws at the moment, buses might disappear from the list without reason, it may duplicate a buses entry, but overall I have found them very useful. There is definitely room for improvement, but it is not just a 'digitised timetable', it is to-the-minute updated information.

  2. I don't know who you are (Graham) but this is completely out of order. Have I done something to you HappyCamper? Why do you feel the need to constantly undermine what I do? Is this how you get your rocks off HC? Victimising poor girls who don't understand the bus system? Thanks Graham. Seriously. I'll try not be such a fuckwit next time.
    Yours begrudgingly,
    Niamh (pleased about your comment since 2012)

  3. Hi Niamh,

    Thanks for the stellar reply, means a lot that a net celeb such as yourself would take the time out of your day to address such a nobody as me. I'm not sure whether you really got the post though Niamh, but no worries, I shall attempt to clarify. You're post contained incorrect information, and whilst I am usually the first to bash all things Dublin Bus after years of using the service, I thought you may in fact be interested to know the true mechanism of the electronic timetables. Now Niamh, from initial analysis of your post, I sensed you may have been in a rather sombre mood at the time of writing, and I only wished to attempt to alleviate some of the stress you were feeling my showing you something good Dublin has. I felt I had somewhat come to know you, as much as one might be able to, after reading all your posts. Clearly mistaken.

    I think it might be a decent idea if you were to get to grips with what writing for a blog entails. Niamh this isn't some online notepad where you can post things and everyone will tell you how perfect both your posts and you are, although I'm sure there is many sites that do cater for this area. This is the internet, this is where you're gonna get trolled, critiqued, and applauded all in a days commenting. So maybe, poor victimised girl, you should attempt to pursue a better understanding of what interacting with the IntArWebZ means, and learn to deal with it accordingly. Or not.

    Yours in sporting,
    Grah....*HappyCamper (I'm no creative)

  4. Dearest HappyCamper,

    Thank you for replying in such a timely fashion. Be under no illusions I fully understood your original message and the sexist undertones it contained. Your reply showed no deviation from the mysoginistic path you have embarked upon and for this I applaud you. However, on two occasions I did find it necessary to choke back some vomit. While you are welcome to continue under the guise of only wishing "to attempt to alleviate some of the stress" but women everywhere are aware that underneath this facade lies a fervent sexist and possible rapist.

    HappyCamper please be aware that you are the first to "troll" or critique one of my blogs and will not be discouraged by one bad review from a sex criminal such as yourself. I understand how to interact on the internet (or IntArWebZ as you unnecessarily phrased it) and will continue to do so. I will not let your negativity detract from the pressing issues at hand; my right to say whatever I want, whenever I want, about whoever I want; it is my right not only as a woman, but an internet user.

    I hope you will seek counselling before you take this hatred for women into the real world and truly hurt someone. I recognise in you the key characteristics of a sexual deviant (I'm a psych major).

    Yours in genuine concern and fear,
    Niamh (5 foot tall)

  5. Dave typed the entirety of that last message, I wash my hands of this.

  6. Howiyih,

    5 foot tall Niamh, as much as I wish to continue this lively conversation, I really don't possess the time/effort of it. I'll give you a quick answer though. As David may well have told you, I am a self-confessed sexual deviant and/or predator, and this is not something I am ashamed of. In fact, I'm proud. As such an accomplished psych student I'm sure you have noticed similar qualities in your dear friend David. We work together in this lifestyle. And yes, I also do believe men are superior to women, but I don't think I'll detail my thoughts on this here. I'm glad you figured me out, I was beginning to worry no woman ever would. There may be hope.

